Friday, August 15, 2008

Seven Months Old

Here's a story from yesterday (8-14-08) which was Tristan's 7 month 'birthday'

Tristan has a little stuffed duck that he loves to play with... so the other night, I was telling him DUCK, that's a DUCK over and over... and he started repeating it back to me. Which we all went crazy over, but he was just imitating me.
Well , we were in Wal-Mart and Tristan was sitting in the buggy and all of a sudden, he said DUCK DUCK! I wasn't paying attention really but I happened to turn the way he was facing -- and there was a big toy duck sitting on the shelf. It looked NOTHING ilke the one that Tristan has, except that it was yellow and had an orange bill, lol.
Anyway, he recognized the duck and called it by its name... I was so proud, I just had to brag! :D

And here's a picture of my handsome boy: