Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tristan has been talking more and more lately. His language exploded after he turned 18 months old, and he's been saying dozens of new words every day. He's started putting them into short sentences ("All done", "Let's go") and uses them in the right context. It's SO incredible to watch.
Anyway, today, I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to decide if my new shirt looked decent. Tristan was behind me, watching Ice Age 2 on tv, so I never thought anything of it. All of a sudden, I felt a little pat, pat on my back -- and Tristan said "Mama cute. Cute, mama." I said "What?? Did you say mama looks cute?" He looked right at me and said "Cute mama" and then threw his little arms around my neck.
This is what it's all about. He is such a sweet baby, my big boy now, and I *love* these moments.
Labels: compliments, firsts, memories, talking, words
Friday, June 12, 2009
Yesterday, Tristan had his very first haircut. I didn't want to cut much off of it; he's still my baby and I'm not ready for him to look like a big boy just yet! But it was starting to hang over his ears, and the back was long enough that his curls were getting pretty unruly.
I wanted to take him somewhere that I knew they would do what I wanted, so I let my godmother's friend Cathy have the honors. She is a former beautician-turned-nurse, so she knows what she's doing. And Tristan has known her since he was born, so it wasn't like taking him to a totally new place and letting a stranger cut his hair.
He did great! He sat up in the chair and never cried or anything. He wasn't great at sitting still, but with a little coaxing he did excellent for a one-year old. She didn't cut much off, but it's enough that you can tell the difference. Especially when he first wakes up!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Tristan went on his first-ever fishing trip today. I took him to the Mill Creek Reservoir here in Canton to meet up with his dad and grandpa. We had already bought him a Mickey Mouse fishing pole and a little red life jacket for just such an occasion. His daddy has been wanting to take him fishing since before he was born, so this was a huge day for them. I put on lots of sunscreen and dressed him appropriately - Crocs, blue jean shorts and his "Future Bass Fisherman" t-shirt that, of course, his dad bought.
He did great! He really enjoyed it for over an hour, which is much longer than I thought he would last. And he caught 3 fish! He was in awe of the fish, and even touched it - which is more than his mommy would ever do! :) I'm so proud of my little fisherman, and I know his dad and grandpa were SO excited to have today!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
iHeartFaces has teamed with allPopArt for a great canvas wrap giveaway! Go to for more information!
Labels: giveaway, iheartfaces
Saturday, May 16, 2009
This week I am entering my first-ever contest at I ♥ Faces. The contest is to display your favorite close-up photo of all-time (that you've taken). I am posting my entry a couple of days early, mostly because I have never entered a contest there before and I want to make sure I do it right. I'm obviously entering the Amateur category - maybe someday I can call myself a pro! After much searching, I finally decided on this photo:

If you're one of my regular readers, feel free to stop by I ♥ Faces ( for more information on their photo contests!
Please note: I am submitting this photo into the Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites.
Today, Brandon and I took Tristan to the Discovery Science Place in Tyler. It's a small science museum that we both remember visiting in elementary school. It was a little bit of a disappointment to us, but Tristan seemed to love it. He ran through the cave, experienced an "earthquake", steered the ship, rode the Magic School Bus, toured an ambulance, worked in construction and much more. He was exhausted - and starving - by the time we got finished!
After the museum, we headed to On The Border for an early dinner. Tristan was so cute - he was winking and waving at all the waitresses while we waited for our food. He had everyone there laughing and talking to him! He also spent a lot of time picking the cheese out of his quesadilla - I joked that next time we should order a quesadilla, hold the dilla. =) He also enjoyed the chips/salsa/queso -- he ate so much of it that his eyes and nose were watering! On the way out, all the waitresses told him bye and waved... he was so excited to be getting that much attention.
We realized later that we had forgotten his pacifier at the restaurant, but luckily we found a spare in my purse. After settling down with his new binky, we got back on the road and I happened to look in the rearview mirror - Tristan was sitting in his car seat with his blankie over his head, just grinning and waiting for us to see him and laugh. Once he got the reaction he wanted, he quickly fell asleep. He never ceases to amaze me! =)
Labels: day trip, laughs, museum, restaurant