Friday, January 30, 2009
I do realize that Tristan's birthday party was over 10 days ago and that I never came back with an update. I'm a horrible mommy. Being a full-time mom and student is getting to be a little harder than I imagined. Though I just spent the better part of 36 hours reading this blog: Matt Logelin and that makes it seem like I have such a simple job.
Tristan is doing great... he had his 12-month check-up and shots, which broke my heart. He's older now so all the emotions just seem more real. Also, as of 1/27, he moved up to the "big kid" (12-18 mos) room at daycare. He now only takes 1 nap a day, goes to recess, does art activities and is just generally growing up right before my eyes.
On all other fronts, he's doing great. He now has seven teeth (for the most part). He can walk, run, climb and a number of other special maneuvers. He LOVES to read his (huge array of) books and now divides his time between reading, riding his 4-wheeler and sweeping/mopping. He's going to make some girl a wonderful husband some day. ;0)
I'm adding some pictures from his birthday and party, to make up for the belated update.