Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was my first-ever Mother's Day. Last year, we found out that I was pregnant the morning after Mother's Day... so I didn't get to celebrate that one. :)

Today, I woke up to a smiling baby and my wonderful husband. The boys gave me really sweet cards plus a lovely black & white diamond bracelet. I love it!!

My mom and godmother gave me some spending money plus a Boyd's Bear baby figurine.

We got dressed and took Tristan and Gunner to the lake for a little family time. It was fun, but hot, and I got sunburned. Brandon & I went grocery shopping for a while, then we took Tristan to see his Gma Gwen for Mother's Day.

**While we were there, Tristan rolled over for the first time!! He went from front to back and couldn't figure it out in the other direction, but still that was quite a milestone!!

Tonight, Brandon and I cooked dinner together and the baby is already fast asleep.

I can't believe that my little one is getting so big so fast... but I'm so proud of him for figuring out how to roll over! :)

Here are some pics of Tristan giving me "his" gift:

1 Comment:

  1. Just the five of us said...
    Happy Mothers Day the first time around! isn't it great? Sean rolled over for the first time last week and he goes in both directions which I thought was pretty impressive. He has been sleeping on his belly too. I put him to sleep on his back, but he wakes up on his belly. I guess he is more comfortable that way. Glad you had a great Mother's day. My first Mothers' day I got a heart Locket with Becca's pic in it. Now I usually just get flowers. You did VERY WELL this year! :)

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