Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm trying desperately to get in the habit of posting regularly, but Tristan is 6 1/2 months old today and it just hasn't happened yet.
The baby is cranky and grumpy most of the time now. He's teething, and miserable, and so are the rest of us. But he's started cuddling and saying words and he's so sweet that it's pretty hard to hold it against him.
He crawls now, in his own special way... he would much rather use his feet than his knees and if he could just work out that balance thing, he would be walking instead. He can pull up, too, but the same principles apply.
He's eating solid foods... he has oatmeal with fruit every morning for breakfast (his favorites are bananas and peaches) and then a veggie for dinner (likes: green beans and sweet potatoes, hates: peas). I've snuck him a taste of a few table foods, but nothing too serious.
We're still waiting on news of his daycare arrangements for the fall. I'm really looking forward to finishing my degree, but I know that after the first hour or so, I'll be missing my little boy.