Friday, December 26, 2008

Tristan's 1st Christmas!

Just a little photo recap of Tristan's very first Christmas. :) We opened presents here at home on Christmas morning and then visited Aunt Lori's house later in the afternoon. We also went to Nanny & Papa's for the Posey family Christmas, but we didn't get any pictures there. :( Baby Tristan was SO spoiled this year!!

When he opened his Pound Puppy, he looked at it and said "Thank you!" It was sooo cute! I think his little Leap Frog was probably his favorite gift, because it sings and talks and he loooves to dance to it!


  1. Kathleen said...
    Merry Christmas Tristan! Looks like you had a wonderful first Christmas.
    Erica said...
    Great Pictures! Wanted to say how much he looks like you!

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