Monday, February 2, 2009

Sick again

Tristan was up all night last night... he would just wake up screaming. I brought him to bed with me, but he just tossed and turned. I gave him some Tylenol this morning so that he could rest and it seemed to help a lot. I still really just thought that he was teething, since he hasn't had any fever or congestion.

Much to my _____, I took him to daycare this morning. I thought the change of scenery would do him some good and really, I needed a break. When I got home, I called and made him a doctor's appointment.

I went back a couple of hours later and picked him up (they said he did great). As it turns out, he still has a double inner ear infection. His chest is clear this time, at least. He had another really painful shot of Rocephin and they gave him a new prescription and some ear drops. She said that if this doesn't clear up, or if it recurs again in the near future, then he's headed to an ENT, to possibly get tubes in his ears. I would hate for him to have to do that, but he just can't seem to get rid of these ear infections. :(

He's asleep now, with his nana. Hopefully he'll feel better soon!


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